Hemp vs Cannabidiol (CBD oil)

Hemp vs Cannabidiol (CBD oil)

Cannabis, hemp, marijuana,  cannabidiol (CBD), and so on, these terms may confuse those looking to start using CBD products to support their lifestyle. Although they are related to the same subject, they are very different from one another. In this article we will discuss hemp vs cannabidiol.

To understand hemp vs cannabidiol, one has to understand that both hemp and marijuana are two different varieties of cannabis. It means that the hemp plant is also cannabis. However, marijuana is high in THC, and its extract or parts of the plant are illegal in the UK. Growing marijuana is mostly illegal, except in some places where one may grow them after getting a license.

Hemp, on the other hand, is legal to grow. Naturally it contains very low amounts of THC, usually less than 0.3%. Europeans have long grown hemp for various industrial uses. Hemp fiber used to be in huge demand to produce strong fabrics. 

Interesting fact! Sales for ships in the olden days were often made from a fabric that used hemp fiber.

In the UK, CBD products may only be produced from recognised hemp strains with THC levels below 0.3%.


So, does it mean that hemp oil and CBD oil are the same?

Well, not essentially. CBD oil is extracted from flowers, stems, and leaves of the hemp plant. This oil is rich in not only CBD but various other cannabinoids and terpenes that are vital for the entourage effect. Moreover, this extract is naturally low in THC. It means that such oil can be sold legally.

However, hemp oil is a term more commonly used to describe hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is altogether a different thing. It does not contain CBD. However, it is rich in essential fatty acids. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and an excellent oil for cooking with.


Hemp vs Cannabidiol – which one is better?

Hemp oil is regarded as good for health. It has all the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. It is therefore good for heart health, and it may help with metabolic disorders. It may help boost brain health. In addition, it has excellent nutritional value. Despite all the health benefits, it is essential to know that hemp seed oil does not contain CBD. It means that it won’t have the properties of CBD oil. Thus, unlike CBD oil, hemp oil lacks the ability to keep you focused, happy and at your best. In addition, hemp oil will not have a calming effect similar to CBD oil.

Additionally, one needs to understand that some manufacturers might try to confuse consumers by selling hemp seed oil instead of CBD oil. For example, they might simply write hemp oil on their product. However, upon closer inspection of the product details, one may find that it is in fact just a hemp seed oil.


How to choose a good quality CBD oil?

It is a good idea to buy from trusted brands only. One should always pay special attention to the content of CBD in any given product. One should not get confused by vague terms like the product has 10000 mg of hemp, as such statement says nothing. Instead, one should buy a product that specifically mentions the amount of CBD in it. One should also see what carrier oil has been added to any CBD product.


Why does my CBD oil taste different?

This is another reason why it is important to double check your products. Hemp seed oil tastes very different than CBD oil. However, hemp seed oil may be used as a carrier oil for the CBD along with other oils such as Olive oil. The type of carrier oil will make a difference in the taste of each CBD oil. It is also important to keep in mind that oils, like CBD oil, are natural ingredients and can vary in taste depending on the type of ingredient used, the agricultural conditions and even the season that it was produced in. 


Is CBD Oil legal in the UK?

Yes, CBD oil is legal in the UK as long as it follows the guidelines. Make sure you buy from a reputable source before purchasing your CBD oil.


Where can I buy CBD oil UK?

Provacan is a leading and trusted brand in the UK providing for happy customers since 2017. The company is owned and operated by Clifton Flack who has devoted his career to researching and bringing to market high quality CBD products. Provacan has an extensive line of CBD oils, CBD edibles, CBD vapes, CBD topicals, terpenes and essential vitamins. 


Which is stronger Hemp vs Cannabidiol (CBD) oil?

CBD oil comes in various strengths and sizes. Always check the label to understand the strength. Hemp oil does not contain cannabinoids and therefore does not have a ‘strength’.


What do the different spectrums in CBD Oil mean?

Full-spectrum means that that CBD oil contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids from the hemp plant along with all of the other terpenes and natural ingredients found in the plant.

Broad spectrum CBD oil has been stripped of most of the other cannabinoids leave much small or trace amounts.

CBD Isolate is the most pure form of CBD that you can find. It contains only CBD and no other cannabinoids.


So you can see that when it comes to hemp vs cannabidiol, although they may be confused as one of the same, they are quite different. It is always important to do your research with anything that you put on or inside your body. With Provacan you can be sure that you have a trustworthy team behind everyproduct that wants to ensure your satisfaction. 

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